Young Women’s Forum In Runcorn

(Originally written for University assignment)

A FORUM has been set up to give young women a place to discuss the everyday issues affecting them.

The monthly meetings are being held at the newly refurbished Hub in Grangeway, Runcorn.

Emily, deputy head of Halton Youth Cabinet, is directing the meetings. She said; “I think there are a lot of agencies and organisations out there that work with young women, but I think that they don’t do enough to make themselves accessible.

“I’m hoping that we will create a safe place where young women feel they can talk to others about the barriers they face, and help them break down these barriers to live a happier life.”

The forum has been created as a result of The Feminist Webs Team tour of the North West, which launched at The Hub in September. The aim of this was to bring together young women from around the North West.

A number of the young women from that day were keen to set up their own forum in Halton.

Emily went on to describe why the idea was so popular: “As a young gay woman, I face a lot of discrimination myself. I think the issues that concern young women all come down to not feeling they are accepted within their own community, and this can cause problems for them in other aspects of their life.”

The members are planning on visiting youth groups to facilitate workshops around the subjects they discuss in the meetings.

“I think there’s going to be a lot of discussions related to the stereotypes that women face, because although we’re a diverse society, many are judged and criticized because of the decisions they make,” Davidson explained.

“I’m really excited to see how this project changes women’s perceptions of themselves and where they stand within today’s society.”

For more information contact Paula Carney at or on 07970 895 559.

Hassle me yo